Corteza // Bark
Lilia tiene 71 años y el Alzheimer ha transformado su mente y cuerpo. Su mundo está lleno de ruidos y susurros. Pensamientos que a veces salen de su boca y revelan una realidad trastocada. Corteza describe la rutina de baño de esta mujer. Sumergida en una tina, Lilia reposa mientras una imponente joven se encarga de refregarla, acompañarla y contemplarla. Brazos, piernas, piel, huesos. Este es el inventario de un cuerpo que habita otro mundo y otro tiempo.
Lilia is 71 years old and Alzheimer's has transformed her mind and body. Her world is full of noises and whispers. Thoughts that sometimes come out of her mouth and reveal a distorted reality. Cortez describes this woman's bathroom routine. Submerged in a tub, Lilia rests while an imposing young woman is in charge of rubbing her, accompanying her and contemplating her. Arms, legs, skin, bones. This is the inventory of a body that inhabits another world and another time.
Lilia Salazar
Catalina Mosquera
Directora y Montajista ... Paloma Rincón Gregory
Productor Ejecutivo ... Sebastián Martinez Rodriguez
Imagen ... Jerónimo Sarmiento
Sonido ... Andrés Montaña Duret
Proyecto beneficiario del Fondo de Desarrollo Cinematográfico de Colombia
“A bedridden lady is bathed by a nurse. But the everyday procedure becomes, perhaps only in the imagination or dream of the elderly, a ritual of interpersonal encounter and one of surrender to a warm, security-giving element that repeatedly flows and sloshes almost tenderly over the emaciated body, exploring every pore and joint.“
Film school fest München. Awards

Información técnica
Duración: 15 minutos
Formato: DCP
Aspecto: 1:78:1
Idioma: Español
Paises: Colombia